Trump Admin May Redirect WHO Funds to Samaritan’s Purse Red cross by Jessy Samuel Ejah


The White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) may redirect funds from the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) to charitable groups such as Samaritan’s Purse and the Red Cross, the New York Post reported Thursday.

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump ordered a 60-day hold on U.S. funding to the W.H.O., asserting the organization failed to vet information about the novel coronavirus coming out of China, and ultimately covered up the seriousness of its effects because of its friendly relationship with that nation.

The New York Post noted the funds would be redirected to charities, such as the Red Cross, and Christian organization Samaritan’s Purse, led by its president, Rev. Franklin Graham:

An administration official told The Post that efforts were underway to redirect “every single pot of money” from the WHO to other organizations. Large international relief organizations already are in many cases doing similar work, they said.

The administration official said that the White House Office of Management and Budget would send any necessary notifications to Congress when there are decisions to redirect funds, though in some cases that may be unnecessary



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