10th Assembly ‘ Sen. Morro expresses surprise APC not considering North Central for key positions


Senator Abah Morro representing Benue South Senatorial District at the National Assembly who also a Senator -elect for the 10th Senate has expressed surprise that the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) are not considering the North Central in their National Assembly leadership positions’ allocations.

Sen. Morro made this known on Wednesday in Abuja while reacting on the quest of APC lawmakers for the party to zone certain positions to the zone.
The APC has zoned the position of the Senate President to the South South, Deputy Senate President to the North West, the Speaker of House of Representatives to North West and the Deputy Speaker to South East.

However, Sen Morro insisted that North Central is a very vital artery of Nigeria politics therefore, APC will only ignore it at its own peril.

He said, “If APC as a political party is allocating positions to zones; it is unfair, it is unjust to leave North Central out of the equation. It is not my business whether APC zoned Deputy Senate President or Speaker to North West but my business and concern is that North Central should be properly situated in the equation and that is what we are fighting for irrespective of the political parties. Whoever disregard the sensibility of the north central in Nigeria polirics will surely regret that “

When ask if he will like to be the next Minority Leader of the Senate, Senator Morro, said he will definitely show interest if it’s necessary and when the time comes, adding that a minority leader must be someone who understands the dynamic of politics in the Senate and who can play the game of the opposition parties at the red chambers.

He insisted that he has the qualities to becomes the next minority leader of the Senate, saying that anyway, it’s the sole responsibility of the NASS leadership of various political parties (the Nass caucus) to nominate a candidate to the position of minority leader among others.
He also noted that, though they are 50 Senator-elect in opposition parties which cut across; PDP, NNPP, LP, APGA, among others, ao whoever is nominated would be representing the various political parties that have Senators at the Senate, therefore, he said he would be very ready to work with whoever if giving the opportunity to serve in that capacity.

On the adoption of Senator Sani Musa by the north central lawmakers on any available position, Sen. Morro said he has no objection to that because he (Sen. Musa is a ranking and qualified individual for any of the positions in the Senate.
According to him, “APC is a majority party in the Senate and if they are considering people or zone for positions, what we are saying is that North Central should also be consider and if considered and Sani Musa is giving the position I am at home with it “

On insecurity in Benue State, the former Minister of Interior stated that security has been a very big problem in his state in the last eight years of President Muhammad Buhari, saying that, herdsmen are killing his people on a daily basis . He said, he has cried and called for the federal government help but to no avail.
He said several communities in his Senatorial District have been displaced. “I can tell you that many communities in my area have flee their ancestral homes because of the consistent invasion and killings by Fulani herdsmen, it is very bad.
“Recently a community in Otukpo Local Government Area was attack, and the son of a sitting council chairman was killed among 34 others that were killed, that is how the situation has become that bad, yet no Fulani herdsman has been arrested.
“When our people are equiped with den guns to secure themselves they will say they are carrying weapons but Fulanis are carrying about AK 47 raffles without anyone asking them any question. So the communities are in traumatic situation, they are helpless and hopeless at the same time,” he said


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