Lindsey Graham Defends Trumps Claim of Voter Fraud by Raphael Bichene


Hours after President Trump’s son took to Twitter to complain that none of the Republicans with aspirations to run for president in 2024 were publicly siding with his father, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina defended Mr. Trump’s baseless claims of widespread voter fraud.

Appearing on Fox News, Mr. Graham, who is one of the president’s most loyal allies on Capitol Hill, did not offer any evidence to support the spurious claims of the White House. While he objected to the vote counting in Pennsylvania, he said he supported the process in Arizona.

“I trust Arizona, I don’t trust Philadelphia,” he said.

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas followed his Republican colleague on the network and accused Democrats of trying to steal the election. He also offered no evidence to back his assertion.

The two senators were among several Republicans — including Representative Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader, and Representative Doug Collins of Georgia — who on Thursday suggested without evidence that something was awry in the election.

“Everyone who’s listening, do not be quiet,” Mr. McCarthy said on Fox News. “Do not be silent about this. We cannot allow this to happen before our very eyes.”

Other Republicans have either rebuked the president for his false claims of voter fraud, or offered statements that stopped far short of endorsing his views.

Source: New York Times


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